Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Out of the Fast Lane

So it's been awhile, AGAIN, since I have posted anything and a lot has changed. We live in VA now and hopefully won't be moving for a long time. But with the Navy, nothing is predictable and so I will stay flexible and also not worry about it and just enjoy and live in the moment.

Mykayla started college today. My how the time has flown by. Too bad I don't have a picture of her standing there with a little backpack and a big smile. I'm sure she is going to do great. It has been a bumpy start to this journey but hey she's 18 and we all learn by making mistakes.

Marcus is in full swing with football and is enjoying it very much. There have been two scrimmages so far and he has done very well. He is #16.

Mackenzie has met a friend and is excited to go back to school. We are working on her times tables and hopefully she will have them down within the next two weeks.

And as for Madi, well she loves the new house. The rooms are set up in a way that all her toys can be inside the house instead of some in the garage like the last 2 houses. She is constantly playing and rediscovering what she has. As well, she loves to play outside and go to the park. The weather is much better here for these activities than in TX.

As for Michael and me. He is busy with work and I have been busy with the house. Finally after 2 months, I am done. All is put away and has a home. Now the work of painting and fixing up will begin. Well not right away but a little at a time. We have lots of ideas and plans, but it will take awhile to finish. Good thing we are not in a hurry. We have already done alot to the yard. Michael spent a couple of days just digging out stumps from bushes that had not been kept up by the previous tentants. My vision is to create a beautiful perinnal garden in this spot. As well, he spent an afternoon cutting down overgrown trees and we now have a view of the lake from all the windows on the back of the house. :)
As I sit here with the windows open and the breeze blowing on me, I am just so thankful for the simplicity of my life now. The last 10 years have been a lot to deal with and although I wouldn't change it, I am ready for the relaxation. As my husband says, it's time for us to step out of the fast lane, move to the side and enjoy the ride from here on out. I'm with him on this one for sure.

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