Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Evolution of the Puffball

For those of you who know Madi, you know she always has her hair up in a single ponytail. Over time, it has become known as " The Puffball", her signature style. In fact once about a year ago, I gave her a different hairstyle for the day and Madi's good friend Chloe, who saw Madi everyday, walked right past her at the park while asking the question, "Where is Madi?" I am sad to report that "The Puffball" has grown so much it is no longer puffy but droopy, so we had to change her style. So enjoy the pics from through the years and her new style will be revealed at the bottom of the post......

And the new style is.........

Monday, November 2, 2009

Michael Staying Busy

Michael is such a hard worker and always has been. Lately he has been even busier with studying for his upcoming boards. Madi took the time to snuggle with Daddy while he studied.

Madi at the "Pumpkin Patch"

Well Fall has finally arrived here in South Texas, well somewhat. We are down from the 100's and 90's and into the low 80's and occasionally the 70's. This is my favorite time of the year and despite what the temps say outside, come Sept. 21st, my decorations are up. I do miss a good pumpkin patch. You know the ones where you take a hayride out to the patch to pick your pumpkin. Then ride back and partake of the apples, cider and all the wonderful and unique looking gords to pick through. Well that doesn't happen here. CC's version of a PP is pumpkins trucked and you pick one. Madi had one of these at her Parent's Day Out. She was just so proud of her little pumpkin.

In the Patch!
Next to Mrs. Scarecrow

The pumpkin and her goodie bag

Madi in front of her cubbie with pumpkin.
Well one day we can hope to return changing leaves and coolness in the air, but for now we will just enjoy Corpus' version.